Premature ejaculation turns out to be the number one sexual problem faced by men. As many as one in three experience it at some time in their life, according to many studies. It is diagnosed when a man ejaculates sooner than he or his partner would wish – usually when that happens within a minute or so of penetration [ … ]
Sexual Health Problems
Common Male Fears About Sex
Given the macho stereotypes that men are expected to live up to, it’s hardly surprising that doubts can creep in. Sex can be a minefield, even for people who are [ … ]
Loneliness | When You Feel There’s No-One
How is it that you can feel perfectly happy on your own yet feel lonely in a crowd? Is it less to do with what others think of you and [ … ]
Sexual Mood Swings: What’s The Problem?
Advice is given to a man who experiences huge, periodic variations in his states of arousal and readiness to ejaculate/orgasm. When premature ejaculation alternates with retarded ejaculation, what’s going wrong? [ … ]
Can I Make My Tiny Penis Bigger?
Penis size is a worry for many men, with most of those seeking surgical ‘enhancement’ already very much around the average mark – or bigger. When a man feels he [ … ]
Speeding Ejaculation
Men, if you find you can’t ejaculate with your partner, use this programme to help you overcome the probable issue – of over-control. Most men have a degree of control [ … ]
Period Problems
Aptly named ‘the curse’, periods can make your life a misery. We examine the causes of these menstrual problems, and the ways in which they can be relieved. Menstruation is [ … ]
Sex Positions Love And Relationship Issues | What Is Wrong If I Have Never Experienced Female Orgasm?
Almost all women are able to experience orgasm, whether through masturbation or through plenty of foreplay followed by penetrative sex. There are, however, a number of reasons why a woman [ … ]
Orgasm Issues: Sex Positions And Orgasm
A range of great sex positions is one thing, but female orgasm can be hindered when your partner just can’t stop switching things round. Advice is given. ‘Help me out [ … ]