While the gaming industry has seemed to reach its own equilibrium with sex in games — namely, what counts as a “mature” depiction of it — the rest of the world still seems to struggle with it. The question of whether sexual content in games is ever appropriate has gone as far as the legal system, and the dubious court of public opinion.
Sex, like violence, is often flogged as something games have in such excess as to corrupt the minds of the innocents playing them. One of the first major moral panics surrounding video games came in 1993, when the US Congress held hearings over the question of morally dubious actions in games. Two games were at the epicenter: Mortal Kombat and Night Trap [ … ]
The video gaming industry is both huge – and new. Relatively new. Games are often hyper-violent and also sexual. Sex often features in weird and distorted ways – and on a par. with the violence. Perhaps an older generation that does not understand the young has looked to sex in video games as a scapegoat. And yet — for what? If you would like to see the most violent, and sexually violent, video games, stop by Japan — where levels of real crime are extremely low. Perhaps if we want to find out more, it is those people who blame sexual violence on video games we should be looking at.
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