While it’s often easier to FaceTime with people you’ve had IRL sex with prior, the coronavirus doomsday mentality has people wanting to branch out. “I must admit, having a friend with benefits via FaceTime is highly tempting right now, or, even taking up an offer with a past ex-boyfriend sounds exhilarating,” says Ness. Charyn adds, “I’m FaceTime sexing with a few random folks I’m friendly with but aren’t in my dating sphere, because frankly, they’re hot and I’m horny.” While FaceTime sex isn’t clearly the same as going out on a date and sleeping with a partner IRL, at least for the time being, it is something. “It’s filling the void of flirting, sexually-charged human connection and the anticipation of having a date,” says Charyn. She’s still intentionally setting aside time to FaceTime with a partner and “the build-up of sexting before is super hot”…
People Are Using FaceTime Sexting To Get Off While Social Distanced..